Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

sound + vision

Listen to this:

Grouper - "Heavy Water/I'd Rather Be Sleeping"

And look at this:

Are you freaking out? <-- David Bowie Voice.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tofu Scramble for Dummies™

Heat up some olive (or canola) oil, garlic, onion, shallots, whatever...on medium.
Mix half a thing of tofu (water pressed out of it into paper towel) with 1 tbsp turmeric spice, 1 tbsp salt, half a lemon's juice, curry spice optional.
Toss in the tofu to the pan. Turn up to almost highest heat.
Chop up a little bit of potato, toss 'er in.
Let it cook a few minutes, then toss in some spinach, a lot of it, it cooks way down.
Chop some veggies (bell peppers, tomato, etc.), toss them in about 5 minutes later
Cook it for a while, takes a long time to cook the tofu and potato.
Garnish w/ parsley, salt, pepper, salsa fresca if you have it.

There you have it - Post comments/corrections/complaints below!

A Drawings
