Inverted Pizza!
Talking points:
• The slices point towards the outer edge
• The crust forms a small circle in the middle
• The hole in the middle can be a holder for a cup of Ranch or a beverage
• You can wear it as a hat - Get hungry? Just reach up, pull off a slice!
See crappy rendering below. Baking an inverted pizza is on my bucket list.

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ReplyDeleteOh man. That's right up there with some of my own dusiful beauties: Tortilla the Hun (mexican/barbarian food), Bolo Thai (Western Thai food), and the newest of my brilliant million-dollar-making ideas, Pontius Pilates (where the instructor of the Pilates class allows the class decide what to do then washes her hands of the consequences). We should start a think tank.
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ReplyDeleteHow do you grab a slice without the ranch spilling out like loose jizz.
ReplyDeleteMLC - Those are all awesome, esp Bolo Thai. Mine needs a sticky name like that. Should def start a think-tank or at least a spin-of blog.
ReplyDeleteDPaul - Yeah I guess you'd have to do like a hang-loose sign with one hand to hold down the 2 adjacent pieces' crust, then rip out the slice of interest with your other hand. Sure, it's a lot of work,'s an Inverted Pizza man.
Let's spin it off! We'll call it pizza simulacra... Joni loves pizza... or this is not a pipe bomb... or the shark/think tank... or the Scott Baio derivative. I think this is going places, place i want to go.
Top Ten Reasons an Inverted Pizza Would Not Work:
ReplyDelete10. Looks good, until you eat the first piece and the floodgates are loosed and the pool of ranch dressing goes everywhere like mini Katrina.
9. Cheese melts off the sides of the spikes and it's not so good looking once it comes out of the oven.
8. Plus it spills cheese all over your expensive pizza oven.
7. How are you going to find a crazy-shaped box like that?
6. When you toss the pizza dough up in the air with all those spikes . . . not so easy to toss up in the air, is it? Spikes go flying, someone's getting dough in the eye.
5. Yeah, once you grab a slice your hand is all covered in ranch from the pool.
4. OK, I'm actually misinterpreting your quick-style rendering. I thought the whole space in the ring made by the crusts was FILLED WITH RANCH. I thought the gray thing was a mushroom floating in the ranch. OK. I'm thinking this might work.
3. Because if that big gray thing is a mushroom, then what are those small white things? Those are obviously mushrooms. My bad.
2. But then why is an olive slice almost as big as a pepperoni?
1. Yeah it's still not going to work, since see reasons 6 through 9.
But then if you just took a regular pizza and SERVED IT AT A PARTY INVERTED STYLE.
ReplyDeleteWow. And there you go.
Paul, man, you've got to stop the destruction of dreams. You're like a dream theif or a dream pirate.
ReplyDeleteJK, also: we totally forgot about the Gazigloo: a gazebo made of ice. Nice!
Oh man, Gazigloo, brings me back, back when creativity was ripe. Now I've just got ideas that Paul B can shoot holes in, blindfolded.
ReplyDeletePsych, issues 6-9 are rebutted below:
6. Don't toss it, press the dough and cut it, duh.
7. Custom ordered boxes made in Korea.
8/9. Keep cheese 1/4" from edge, maybe even give the edge a little lip. Maybe we'll make custom (Korea) cast-iron pizza pans to rest these in to give it the lip.
And out mascot will be the Statue or Liberty, with an inverted pizza crown. Holy crap I think I'm ripe again.